Oct 1, 2009

How to write an effective biography

The definite guru on graphic design and typography for us dummies, Robin Williams, puts her 'real bio' on her official website. It is a story of an incredible life from an ordinary person who took an incredible path by choice. I went there hoping to get a tip or two on writing an effective self introduction. I did get a tip. A big one:

You want to write a good biography? Live a life.

Here is a long snippet. Few words can encourage us more than this paragraph to move on with what we believe in.
I am a teacher. It is my path. It is what I am supposed to do. No matter what is going on outside--divorce, unhappiness, anger, poverty, death--when I walk into my classroom nothing else exists except my students and our work. Teachers certainly don't teach for the money. Real teachers teach because they are supposed to. I didn't plan do what I'm doing. When I was in high school I had a small business teaching swimming in my parents' backyard, and all the moms and dads assumed I was going to be a kindergarten teacher. "A teacher!" I exclaimed with dismay. "Oh no, I will do something much more exciting than be a teacher!" It took many years for my path to unfold, and I had no clue where it was leading. But now that I am here, I see that it happened the way it was supposed to. I did not know I was on a path, but I see now that having the courage to live in the "wisdom of uncertainty," to take jobs I had a passion for instead of the ones that offered the most benefits and highest pay, to be willing to struggle to happily make ends meet rather than live in a miserable partnership, to take the anger and bitterness after a divorce and direct that energy to getting my own life together rather than trying to get money out of him, eventually led me to a very satisfying place, a place that offers so much more to me than I ever thought would happen in my life.
This is the book from her that any aspiring designer should own.
The Non-Designer's Design and Type Books, Deluxe Edition

P.S. This biography is also totally funnier than the recent works from the actor with the same name. I think he agrees.

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